The Vermont Kindness Project

Our mission is to provide all Vermonters with accessible education on the latest research in trauma and resilience, to break the cycle of generational trauma, and to empower our communities. We hope you join us!

In Memoriam

Thank you, Shanda Williams / Sister Sankofa for believing in The Vermont Kindness Project's mission of healing intergenerational trauma through compassion for ourselves and others. May you rest in peace, power, and love. 

  • About Us

    What is the Vermont Kindness Project?

  • Events

    Come learn with us!

  • Learning Hub

    Learn about trauma, healing, and resilience

  • Healing Hub

    Resources for healing and resilience

Add your name to our collective effort to make Vermont the first trauma-informed state

Did you know that more than 50% of the US population will experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives? And that in communities in which trauma-informed care was instituted, studies have shown reductions in crime rates, substance abuse, and suicidal attempts, alongside improvements in mental health, economic status, educational accomplishment, and longevity. Join us in requesting education for the general public, and policy changes in all Vermont systems, including education, health care, law enforcement and more.

In the Media


    A shout-out for the Vermont Kindness Project from author Bill Schubart

  • NBC 5

    Providing information and resources at Montpelier's Rainbow Harvest Fest

  • Just a Couple Old Guys

    Kim and Megan David of The Soul Room talking about trauma and resilience

  • THC Plainfield

    Restoring Balance

  • ABC 3

    Covering our community wellness events

  • Town Meeting TV

    The Kindness Project and trauma-informed care

  • The July 2023 Floods

    The resilience of our communities

Meet Bessel Van Der Kolk!

Bessel Van Der Kolk is the New York Times best-selling author of The Body Keeps the Score. On 7/2/2022, he came to Montpelier to meet with Kimberly Pierce to talk about their collective work on traumatic stress and Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) research. Together they brainstormed on how we can alter our approach to medical care in Vermont regarding trauma, and talked about the resources we need in order to do this.

Read more about The Body Keeps the Score here

Journey with us!